A middle aged man used to live in a house. When the house was newly built, it was one of the good looking ones in that colony with trees surrounding it etc etc. The man used to live happily in that house with his wife.
Over the period his wife gave birth to 4 children. Now the family size increased but the husband who had a small job never concentrated on improving his house or even repairing it. When the children were grown up they pestered father for separate rooms or build another floor over their house, but father never bothered...The sorrounding colony and other houses changed a lot over this period, but this particular house remained as it was with faded walls, leaking roof and cracks on the walls...
The colony president, looking at the pathetic state of this house called the father and told him that colony members decided to contribute to repair the house.Colony president asked the father for proposals for this purpose..
Now the most funny, hilarious part...do u know what father asked??? Split Ac for all the rooms. Fountain for the garden. Hot water tub for bath room..(he isn't bothered about cracks in the walls, falling compound wall, leaking roof or fading paints. But demanded luxuries)...