Sunday, May 16, 2010

Indian oil -CHITTOOR: latest news

Hi friends,
you are familiar with the news that indianoil is building a pipeline from chennai to Bangalore through yadamari near chittoor. Already it has started building a scrapper and pumping station which is nearing completion.

Now the great news is indianoil board has sanctioned a bulk storage terminal at chittoor at the cost of 176 crore rupees. This new marketing terminal will come next to the existing scrapper station.

This new terminal to be called as IOCL CHITTOOR TERMINAL is coming up with a capacity of 61532 kl of petroleum products(or 61532000 liters). This terminal will be a resitement for present bulk depots in kadapa and tada. Or on other words the depots in kadapa and tada will be closed
and the personnel will be transferred to chittoor terminal which is being built to serve all southern districts of AP. Only thing they are waiting is the pollution control permission from environmental ministry.

This is a major milestone in chittoor's developmental history because this terminal will be an asset to our town ....oops "city"

1 comment:

  1. can you tell me when is the iocl chittoor terminal opening .............


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